
Showing posts from June, 2019

A Prevalent Condition Related to Men’s Health – ED

The therapeutic properties or inability of getting an erection during sensual copulation refers to ED . The inability of getting an erection frequently may be a cause of impotence. If the inability of erection occurs occasionally, it is not a problem. It can refer to health problems like emotional or psychological problems creating stress or anxiety in a person leading to impotence in men. The problem gets deeper if not treated properly. The problem is referred to be a chronic disease which can be treated but cannot be cured. The risk of getting ED increases with the age but the problem does not affect every male person. Recognizing ED - The problem differs from person to person. In some cases, a person suffers from short-term ailment and in other it needs to be treated with the severity of the problem. The ailment can affect a person with certain health issues like not being physically active, overweight or having type-2 diabetes. Depression, anxiety and low self-est