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An erection depends on the important component of the men's overall health. Blood flow, heart strength, hormonal level, nerve function, brain performance interruptions can lead to the problem of Erectile Dysfunction in men. The gauge indicates it if any of the sectors are in trouble. One in ten men experiences the problem of ED in their lives, the most relevant issue in older age men. 

ED is defined as the consistent or recurrent inability to attain or maintain arousal sufficient for sensual coupling. Occasional trouble might not be a cause of concern. Some of the temporary causes can occur from excessive alcohol, stress, fatigue or relationship stress. When the condition becomes consistent, in attaining or sustaining an erection, physical and psychological issues require treatment. 

Some of the causes of ED are:

Erectile Dysfunction is difficult to diagnose. With a rundown of potential causes, doctors help to improve the condition. Even a minor disturbance in any of the health factors leads to the problem of ED in men. 

Old age: A natural slowing down of bodily functions decreases firmness in the penile or shortens lasting erections. Decreased production of testosterone, decreased blood flow leads to the problem of ED in men. 

Decreased Blood flow: The decreased flow of blood affects the quality of an erection. The lack of blood flow occurs due to clogged arteries, high blood pressure or pelvic trauma.

Diabetes: Erectile problem tends to long last in men having diabetes. Men experience some degree of ED as the sending of receiving and nerve impulses. 

High Blood Pressure: Hypertension can affect erections either by changes caused in the blood vessels or by the medications used for the treatment. 

Prostate surgery: Injury to the nerves and blood vessels due to surgery might lead to the problem of ED in men. 

Hormonal problems: Hormones are an important role and are responsible for libido. The problem can be checked with a blood test and underlying cause imbalance. 

Nervous System disorder: An injury to the spinal cord that disrupts the pathway necessary for an erection. Men with spinal cord injury can get reflex erections. 

Psychological problems: Depression, stress, anxiety might lead to lack of sensual desire resulting in the problem of ED in men. Problem with PE leads to erectile issues. 

Excessive use of alcohol: Smoking, heavy alcohol and recreational use of medicine lead to the problem of ED in men. The effects may be temporary or permanent. 

Medications: Medications used to treat a variety of diseases can lead to erectile functioning. High blood pressure and depression medicines affect the health of a person. 

Premature Ejaculation: PE might affect the health of a person. The traditional approach to treat the problem might lead to ED. 

Management of the Condition

The treatment option depends on the cause of ED. Cenforce 130mg medicine works to improve the flow of blood in the penile region providing relaxation to the blood vessels. It works to improve physical and psychological health factors. The active component Sildenafil citrate 130mg helps improve the condition. It is an oral medication that helps revolutionize male sensuality for non- sensual condition. It starts working sooner and has a lasting impact on improving sensual function to develop an erection. Order Online Cenforce 130mg at an affordable price to achieve results in the success rate.


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