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Studies indicate that nearly 50% of females are affected by FSD and this percentage goes up with age in women. However, not as common as male sensual dysfunction, women suffering from diabetes are more likely to suffer sensual dysfunction, which is, nearly twice more likely than women without diabetes. However, this does not necessarily imply that a female having diabetes will suffer from sensual dysfunction.

The factors that lead to the illness are either physical, psychological or both. Among psychological factors, the relationship that a woman shares with her spouse is of prime importance. Order online fili 100 to cure Female impotence.

Causes of FSD

Below mentioned are some of the common and notable psychological factors leading to FSD.

Negative experiences or problematic events in the past - Although not considered to be a major cause, detrimental experiences can, however, contribute to the loss of desire or arousal in women.

Factors under an individual’s control - In spite of such factors not being studied in detail, it is believed that high-stress levels, fatigue, ill health, and other personal experiences can induce irregularities in one's sensual responses like desire, arousal or the ability to reach an orgasm.

Relationships - A woman who is in a relationship, either temporary or permanent, that is not functioning at its proper level, stands a chance to suffer from the disorder. Satisfaction in a relationship is a major factor that aids in leading a functional sensual life, especially in couples.

Others - Factors like none or little sensual know-how; improper or no sensual interaction or communication with the spouse; reduced or no sensual stimulation; socially rigid situations which make a woman uncomfortable; and even staying at home with parents for an extended period can impact the sensual health of a female.

There are also physical factors also that are also believed to be a major cause of female sensual dysfunction.

Surgery, hormonal problems, illnesses like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's, various contraceptive methods and drug abuse are known to reduce the sensual desire in women. Similarly, diabetes can also have a negative impact on one's sensual desire.

Tumors, inflammation, ulcers, herpes, eczema, etc. are responsible for the pain experienced by the female during sensual communication. Irregular blood supply to the clitoris leads to loss of orgasm during the sensual act. This is considered to occur mostly due to a blockage in the arteries, veins or even the nerves. The cause may be physical or even psychological.

Female Impotence Treatment

Female impotence treatment is also as diverse as the causes of female sensual dysfunction. Most causes of female sensual dysfunction can also be sufficiently treated through effective communication with the females by their companions and/or therapists. Understanding and empathy with the females will go a long way to assure them and bring about the best from them in all areas of their lives including sensual and sensual needs. Order fili 100 Tablets Online from mylovedose to cure Female impotence. This is the best oral medication obtainable at the best prices.


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